Advantages of SMS (School Management System)
The 21st Century’s prime word is “Information”. Everything in this ear is running on the basis of information. Each and every sector and industry have one and only soul which is information. Correct information can lead one to growth and success and wrong information can lead a person to failure. We all are very much acquainted with this fact and therefore the Education sector is also getting influenced by modern methods of acquiring information. In the education sector students are always in search of knowledge and information in order to gain expertise over several subjects and topics whereas in the same way tutors also keep on searching for new and latest information in order to help the students better and guide them in the correct direction. Technology has changed the face of teaching-learning as per the time passed by. Several apps and software in the education sector are creating their magic and making learning easier day by day. Even tutors are performing their tutoring very easily with such software and apps. These days software like the school management system are helping a lot in the teaching-learning process. School management system manages student data in a very efficient manner.
Student information system is very advanced software which usually not only keeps and maintains the data related to the students but also tracks their day to day activities, their performance level and their attendance too. This software is as efficient as software for school management. It helps the students as well as tutors as software for school management does. Student information system keeps on storing the complete data of the students on cloud itself which is easier than the whole tutoring staff keeping on filing the same data after spending uncountable hours and with a lot of hard work. Student information system is an integrated information system which compiles very essential documents of the students such as their TCs, report card, performance grades, attendance details, medical history, on cloud in a centralized manner. In this way, in any emergency tutor can help the students by pulling out their particular data anytime from the student information system and can tackle the situation properly. Student information system is backed up by artificial intelligence which evaluates and performs analysis of the student’s performance. Therefore, tutors become able to find out the areas in the performance of the students where they are lagging behind. There are several benefits which are associated with the student information system. Tutors also feel lightened to use it to provide information to the students. Due to its advanced features’ tutors grab all the lacking areas of the students and prepare their plan of action in order to help their students. This software gives access to the authoritative person 24/7 and not only this but parents get complete details of their kid’s performance via SMS and notifications timely.
For a successful learning and grasping of knowledge it is necessary that there should be better coordination between parents and tutors of the students. Due to better communication and coordination of parents and tutors it becomes easier to understand the learning patterns of the kids and tutors come to design the homework and school word according to the students. SIS makes smoother paths for better communication between parents and tutors due to which a better and cooperative atmosphere for learning gets created which helps students in their proper growth in academics. This software updates itself on fixed time-intervals and therefore it needs no manual operation. This updating includes not only latest information of the students but also security updates due to which any harm to the data becomes nearly impossible. This makes this software very liable to rely on for the storage, security and updating of all the data and information related to the students. In those educational institutions where there are several departments related to teaching, learning process and students, it often happens that miscommunication and loss of data and information happens. Student information system prevents all such adverse situations. Here one more benefit is that the sharing of information of students interdepartmentally happens without any loss of data like if the library department needs any information about a particular student from fees department to clarify any dues then this happens without any loss of data. It reduces manual efforts and saves paperwork also.