A Short Guide on Finishing Your Book Manuscript Faster

Book Manuscript Faster

Waiting for years and years isn’t necessary to complete your manuscript. If you are committed to your writing goals and want to achieve them faster, you can follow a plan to complete your manuscript in a short time.

Keep reading to find thirteen simple, actionable tips to utilize your time the right way and finish writing your book manuscript as soon as possible!

1.      Overcome Your Fears

Feeling overwhelmed will never let you focus on your writing. Keep in mind that the only way you can complete your manuscript, in the long run, is by feeling confident and staying committed to your writing goals.

Write down the thoughts that discourage you from writing. Analyze if what you’re thinking is right and whether you should be worried about your fears as a writer. Try discussing your thoughts and fears with someone in your close circle to help you develop a strong, positive mindset.

2.      Develop a Writing Routine

Contrary to what many writers think, writing is not a haphazard process. You need to sit down and focus all your ideas on a topic to help you jot down your ideas and present your creativity in the most persuasive manner.

Instead of writing whenever you feel like writing, make sure you develop a simple writing routine and stick to it. Analyze your life goals and responsibilities when creating your writing routine to maintain a proper work-life balance.

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3.      Get Help from Professionals

You don’t have to get everything done by yourself to complete your manuscript. Keep in mind that you can always rely on professionals to get things done faster. For example, if you want to get your manuscript edited, you can hire the best freelance book editors to save you time and effort.

Looking at online portals is the best way of connecting with professionals. Compare profiles of different professionals to hire the best people for your needs.

4.      Start With a Plan

Having no purpose in your mind when writing will only slow down your progress. Instead of having thoughts bouncing off your mind, you need to be crystal clear about what you are going to write and how you will achieve your goals.

It’s better to create a basic sketch of all the topics you are going to cover in your manuscript. You can use digital tools like mind-mapping tools to help you streamline your thoughts and lay a basic script for your writing journey.

5.      Follow an Outline

Once you’re done with planning and brainstorming, you should proceed next to creating an online. Having a good outline will make it easier for you to stick to your writing goals and avoid writing about irrelevant topics.

Start by adding the basics of what you want to be covered in your book. Instead of trying to develop a perfect outline, it’s better to leave some room for improvement. Add any ideas to your outline later as needed.

6.      Read More Books

A great way you can boost your creativity when writing your manuscript is by reading more books. Investing your time in reading will allow you to build your writing muscle. It will also help you adopt the best writing practices that make a book interesting to read.

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Set aside some time from your daily routine to ensure that you can read more without compromising on your writing goals.

7.      Push Your Writing Limits

You don’t have to stop yourself from writing more in a day to boost your creativity. It’s better to encourage yourself to write more words every day to ensure that you can get closer to your writing goals faster.

For starters, you should try writing at least 3000 words daily and then decide how you should adjust your daily word limit.

8.      Avoid Writer’s Block

Staring at the blank screen or empty paper all the time will never help you complete your book manuscript on time. You need to get out of the perfectionist mindset to let your creativity flow and write faster.

The simplest way you can avoid writer’s block is by writing whatever comes to your mind. Allow yourself to express your thoughts to feel positive and confident about your writing skills.

9.      Follow Realistic Deadlines

Pushing yourself to achieve your writing goals as fast as possible will only hurt your confidence and creativity in the long run. This is why you need to be cautious about the deadlines you set for completing your manuscript.

List down your responsibilities and your writing goals to set deadlines that are best suited for your specific needs.

10. Overcome Distractions

Getting distracted all the time will not help you complete your book manuscript. Keep in mind that you need to focus only on writing and forget about anything else going around you.

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Being mindful of your surroundings is the best way of avoiding distractions. Try sitting in a quiet place where you don’t listen to unwanted noise, so you can write uninterrupted.

11. Skip the Formatting Part

You don’t have to be worried about the formatting when writing your manuscript. Instead of focusing your attention on which font is the best or how to layout your book, you should solely be worried about your writing goals.

After completing your manuscript, you can try reaching out to a publishing professional to get your manuscript formatted.

12. Don’t Stop Having Fun

Writing should never feel like a burden to you if you want to complete your manuscript without compromising on creativity. Instead of forcing yourself to be as fast as you can, it’s better to enjoy your writing journey as much as possible.

Taking regular breaks is a great way to freshen up your mind. Engage in outdoor activities and spend time with your loved ones to get a breather and charge up for writing.

13. Grow Your Network

You won’t be able to complete your manuscript according to your deadline if you get stuck with writing problems. Instead of trying to overcome the issues you face alone, it’s better to ask for help from fellow writers.

Make sure you join in-person and online networking events so you can add more writers to your network in a short time.

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