Does a Cavity Filling Hurt?


Are your teeth starting to feel a little rough?

Worrying about cavities is something that can ruin your day. However, you can do a few simple things to prevent a hole.

However, accidents happen, and cavities can develop without anyone doing anything wrong. So, how do cavities form, and can you do anything about it?

In this post, we’re going to answer all your questions about citing. Read on to learn more about cavity filling.

Examining Pain Levels

Most cavity fillings don’t cause significant levels of pain says this dentist in Newport News. To start, your dentist will administer an anesthetic, which will be used to numb the area around your tooth cavity. This process may cause slight discomfort, but the main filling procedure shouldn’t be painful.

Furthermore, most people don’t experience any pain after their cavity filling is complete. That said, some people may experience mild pain or sensitivity for a few days afterward, but this should decrease as time goes on. Generally, the discomfort experienced is minimal, so there shouldn’t be too much to worry about.

Sensitivity of Tooth Decay

In reality, most cavity fillings are not very painful because of the numbing choice of local anesthetics. Although it may feel slightly uncomfortable, cavity filling is quick, and the discomfort doesn’t last long.

On the other hand, tooth sensitivity can last longer after a cavity filling. You may feel sensitivity to hot or cold foods, or in general when chewing. The good news is that this sensitivity should diminish as your mouth adjusts to the filling, so be sure to tell your dentist if you are still feeling sensitivity or discomfort.

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Pain Relief Options

There are several pain relief options available to make the experience more manageable. This is to reduce or cut the pain associated with a cavity filling. Injectable medications, topical anesthetics, and sedation dentistry can all be used.

Even breathing through a numbing agent can help relax the patient, making the procedure more tolerable. This is comfortable, and each situation will dictate what is best for the patient. Ultimately, the dentist will decide a patient’s best course of action.

Potential Side Effects

Depending on the size of the filling, the process typically takes just a few minutes. The dentist will numb the area so the patient may feel pressure or slight discomfort rather than pain.

However, temporary soreness or sensitivity to heat or cold may occur after the appointment. It is essential to take extra care of the filling, such as avoiding hard foods or chewing directly on it, as this can damage it.

In rare cases, potential side effects from a cavity filling are severe pain, a painful bump in the treated area, or an allergic reaction to the material used. If any of these occur, it is important to contact the local dentist office immediately.

Understanding Cavity Filling

A cavity filling may not be a favorite experience, but it can be done quickly, efficiently, and more comfortably than ever with modern treatments. With proper care and regular check-ups, cavities will not be a fear. To feel better, schedule a filling appointment at your local dentist and start regaining a healthy smile.

To learn more helpful tips, be sure to check out the rest of our site today!

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