What Is Double Nose Piercing
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Space Management For Double Nose Piercing
A double nose piercing is a common way to add more bling to your appearance. The process is the same for both nostril piercings, but one is performed higher than the other. This type of piercing requires more space than a stud and requires a little more care when perforating. You can have both piercings on the same day, but the spacing between them should be carefully considered.
Procedure Of Double Nose Piercing
During the procedure, a professional piercer will use a hollow needle to make the perforation. After the piercing is done, the piercer will put an initial piece of jewelry on the hole and use the surgical pen to mark it. After the piercing has healed, you can add a hoop or another piece of jewelry. The stud is preferred for the first one, but if you change your mind, you can always add the hoop.
 Double Nose Piercing Is A Painful Process
Double nose piercings can be painful, and you should know what to expect before having one done. The level of pain varies depending on the size of the perforation, the amount of skin damage, and the type of jewelry you choose. The most popular choice is a stud, which is less noticeable and can be removed easily. A horseshoe and a stud can also be used for the procedure.
Benefits Of Double Nose Piercing
A double nostril piercing allows you to wear more rings or studs than a single nostril. In addition to being easier to wear, a double nostril piercing will make your facial jewelry stand out. And the double-sided ring is the most versatile. A stud is more secure and will not slip out with any effort. And the rings are less visible, so you can switch between them easily.
Risk Of Double Nose Piercing
The only real risk of double nose piercing is that of infection. It is very easy to get an infection because the nose has two perforations and is more susceptible to infections than other types of piercings. However, the benefits of this procedure are many and you can choose to get double-nape piercings in different areas of your nose. It can be done in both nostrils and can be placed anywhere in the nose.
First Piercing Is Least Painful In Comparison To Other
The first piercing is the least painful of the two. It requires a small amount of preparation and time. Aftercare is almost identical to that for earlobe piercings, but you should be aware that the second piercing takes about two to three months to heal. A fresh asymmetrical ring may require some planning to prevent infections and to minimize pain. The double nose ring is the same as one nostril piercing, but you can choose to have both of them on the same side.
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What To Wear On Double Nose piercing
Depending on the type of piercing, you can wear both nose studs and a septum ring. While both of these types of piercings are discreet, you should balance the jewels with the color of your face. The best way to wear double-nail studs is on a woman with a long, thin face. On the other hand, double-nail piercings are best for men with longer and wider faces.
How To Place Septum Ring
A double-nail ring is a combination of two piercings on the same nostril. It is common for guys to have a septum ring and a girl to have both. The placement of the septum ring depends on the symmetry of your face and your hairstyle. The right nostril piercing should be on your right side and vice versa. In this way, your nose studs should balance each other out evenly.
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Price Variation For Septum Ring
You can have a septum ring on both nostrils. Some shops charge a little less for septum piercings than for other kinds. If you’re afraid of the pain, you can also bring your own jewelry. It is important to note that a double nostril ring will cost you twice as much as a single nose piercing. A double nostril stud will cost you about $30 to $40. A good price for a septum ring is between thirty dollars to sixty-five dollars.
Careful Considerations Before Selection Of Stud
A double nose stud can be easily done with careful consideration. The gauge of the stud should match the shape of your nostril. If you want a more distinctive appearance, consider a noise-generating nose piercing. For a double-nail stud, you can choose a large, open or horseshoe-shaped bead. A closed hoop is a horseshoe-shaped ring, while an open hoop has a bead at the end.
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