4 Tips for Choosing a Pediatric Physical Therapist


Are you a parent of a child that’s recently had an injury? Are you worried about how beneficial the treatment options are? Do you need to choose a pediatric physical therapist?

Perhaps your child has become injured, and you’re looking for a pediatric physical therapy clinic to meet your child’s needs. If so, you need to keep reading. Below, we’ll outline how to choose a qualified professional for your family.

Keep reading to learn more!

1. Seek Mentors

By finding a mentor, such as a friend, family member, or someone from a support group, with experience in the field, it is possible to have an experienced person ask questions, learn about the options, and measure their responses for quality. You may even find that the feedback provided by the mentor is invaluable when it comes to making decisions.

Aside from being a great resource, mentors can also provide a listening ear and offer emotional support. It is helpful to find someone who is willing to answer questions, share their own experiences, and be a sympathetic ear as you go through the process. Learn more about what to look for when considering childrens therapy options for your child.

2. Know the Referring Pediatricians

If a pediatrician is recommending a physical therapist, it is important to research the credentials of the doctor who provided the referral. Understanding the referring pediatrician’s qualifications and understanding of his or her patient’s needs can ensure that the therapist selected is experienced in helping children with their specific condition.

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Speak to the pediatrician about their opinion of the therapist in question, listen to their advice, and ask questions. Additionally, you can look up the therapist’s reviews online to get an idea of the quality of care they provide. 

3. Know the Local Orthotists 

Orthotists are professionals who create custom braces, splints, and mobility aides such as wheelchairs and walkers specifically designed for your child’s needs. You will want to make sure that the pediatric physical therapist you choose is familiar with working with orthotics and can request the right type of equipment to help your child make the greatest gains.

Ask the physical therapist if they work with a particular orthodontist clinic and their experience communicating with them. You may also want to inquire if the physical therapist can reference a clinic if needed, so you can decide if the orthotic solution for your child would fit best with the physical therapist’s practice.

4. Know the Local DME Vendors

Make sure the vendor is certified and has a good reputation, as they will be responsible for providing the necessary equipment. Consider their availability and ability to fulfill orders quickly.

Additionally, it’s crucial that the vendor is familiar with physical therapy, as this will help them understand the needs of your child and advise on the best equipment for your child’s individual needs. Ask if the vendor offers demonstrations, as this will allow your child to get a feel for the equipment with the help of the therapist. 

Choosing The Right Pediatric Physical Therapist For Your Child

A pediatric physical therapist can offer many advantages when it comes to helping your special needs child. Be sure to ask the right questions, check their credentials and experience, observe their approach to physical therapy, and familiarize yourself with the costs before deciding which therapist to pick. Ask your doctor or other health care provider for recommendations – you won’t regret it!

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